August 14th
Classes begin
September 4th
Studio & office closed for Labor Day
October 2023
Recital Costume Deposits Due
($40 per student / per class)
NOTE: They will be run with Auto-Pay
October 2023
Begin working on Christmas Dances!
Aerial Performance at the studio
November 25th -28th
Studio /Office closed (Thanksgiving)
December 2023 (to be announced)
Community Christmas
December 14th
Last day of STUDIO classes prior
to Christmas Break
(but check the Performance calendar it extends through the 21st)
Dec. 18th - Jan. 2nd
Studio / Offices closed
January 2nd: - Classes resume at AFTH
January 2024
Recital Costume Balance(s) Due
NOTE: They will be run with Auto-Pay
Week of January 24th
Student Evaluation Week
February 2024
Start RECITAL dances / pieces
March 2024
Post Recital costumes
MARCH 29TH - 31ST 2024
Closed for Good Friday / Easter
The following dates are subject to change
It is Required that all students attend for class photos. Individual photos are available be taken if you choose
Photos will be taken one day only-you will need to register for photos on top of april
**MAY TUITION (will include a June partial Tuition& run together on Auto-Pay)
(to close out account and participate in Recital)
May 15th
$50 Recital Fee Due ( per student)
NOTE: They will be run with Auto-Pay
Dress Rehearsal week of recital
May 30th
Last day of Studio Classes
Saturday T.B.A -4 pm SHOW
"Think-Dream -Imagine"
How long have you been in Business?
We are beginning our 34th Anniversary year of business. AFTH still has the original owners and has continued with its vision from day one!
How long have you been at your current location?
This is our 8th season in our very own, and current location.
How many students are in each class?
It depends on the type of class, however, the general rule of thumb for most dance classes is a maximum ratio of 10-12 students per teacher however in the smaller studios the class size is limited to 8-10 students.
What type of experience does your staff have?
All of our teaching staff have been selected for not only their years of experience and education, but also for their unique ability to motivate students to another level, balanced with a great amount of nurturing and encouragement. The majority of our staff has been raised up from within the studio to achieve the unique vision and teaching method we utilize.
Can I watch my child?
AFTH has viewing windows / doors into most of its studio rooms. There will be times, however, when we do shut the viewing windows to work on performance numbers and to help focus concentration. Also, we like to have “Watch Week” at the end of end month so the parents can see their child's progress and students can practice performing for an Audience.
Do I have to pay for my yearly tuition in full?
AUTO-PAY for Tuition is required for all accounts.
Your monthly payment is not based on the actual number of classes in a given month,
rather it is based on your total tuition cost divided into equal monthly payments.
If you choose to Pay for the year in full you would get a 10% discount.However there are no refunds should your student withdraw early.
What forms of payment do you accept?
ACH payments or credit cards payments are excepted for AUTO -PAY
What about missed classes?
Missed classes must be made up within 2 weeks of missing in an equal level class or 1 level up. If class is not made-up within 2 weeks, it is forfeited. Make-up classes are not available beginning in November and again in February due to Christmas/Recital rehearsals.
No tuition adjustments for missed classes.
What about Refunds?
There are no refunds for missed classes, registration fees, recital tickets, recital fee's and some retail.
Do you have an office on site?
Our main office is not located in the studio . We prefer all correspondence via mail goes to our main office at 5200 Fieldview Court - Orlando, FL. 32819
PH: 407-797-5029 / EMAIL: afthstudio@gmail.com or via your Parent Portal
Please direct all questions and inquiries to our main office, as our teachers are on a tight back to back schedule.
How would you describe your Studio?
We are not sure how other people would define us, so we can only go by what our heart is. We have created a place where the Fine Arts can be taught in an atmosphere that is safe, nurturing and encouraging. In addition, we closely monitor the style and type of music we utilize for classes and performances. We seek to motivate students to a higher level in their gifting but are always mindful to encourage and nurture each individual student. All of this gives the student a sense of security and a sense of purpose!
AFTH is the place where excellence in the arts, collides with the passion in your heart.
Do you break for Holidays?
Yes, we have pre-determined Holiday breaks. Check our Calendar link for specific dates.
Do you perform at Christmas?
Yes, each of our classes will attend 1-2 performances in the Orlando area at a variety of children and nursing homes. We consider this a time of outreach. Each class will prepare a number to perform, and will also bring homemade cards and gifts to hand out to residents. These performances combined with 2 regular classes in December will make for a very full Holiday month.
Do you do a Recital?
Yes we do, however we hesitate to use the word Recital. AFTH has quickly become known for its end of the year production, which is done with professional media, sound and lighting.
What costs can I anticipate?
The following are the "heads up" costs. This does not mean that these will not change or that some costs will be deleted or added.
General rule of thumb costs:
Monthly Tuition (see our tuitions page)
Registration Fee ($25 per student)
Costume Deposit ($40) per student -per class due in September
Costume Balance ($20- up) per student - per class due in January
Recital Fee ($50) per student (due in April)
Class Pictures - usually in late March
Recital Tickets ($25 estimated) per person per show
What are policies and procedures should I want to withdraw from a class?
In the event you wish to withdraw from a class, you must provide (in writing) a 30 day intent to withdraw notice. You are responsible for all tuitions due until that 30 day notice has been fulfilled, even if you are no longer taking class.
Also, keep in mind, that retail orders, recital costumes, recital tickets and other misc items are not refundable. If a Recital Costume has been ordered for you, you are responsible to pay the deposit on that costume. If you would like the costume, you are responsible for the balance due OR you may forfeit the costume and not pay the balance due.
AFTH has a required class uniform system. This system allows us to look dynamic when we perform, and it creates a consistent look in each class! We are confident we have provided a quality product at a less expensive price, and a convenience for you by supplying these uniforms for purchase directly from AFTH.
A $25 late fee is incurred if monthly tuition is not received because of credit card declines. Any unpaid late fee(s) will be added to final Recital Costume Balance and must be paid in order to receive Recital Costume and participate in Recital.
All of our classes participate in the AFTH Recital. Therefore a $40 Recital Costume Deposit is due on October 1st (per student / per class) Recital costume balance statements will be mailed in December and are not due until January.